New triathlon plans

Couldn’t find anything posted yet.

Who has made the switch to the new plans? What has that been like, compared to before?

I asked on the Ironman thread - seems to be tweaks rather than an overhaul

I just replied on the triathlon review thread. I’m early into a Masters half plan and so far so good with new features. The Masters work/rest ratio was key for me to switch back to TR as well as inclusion of run and swimming. The run is included in AD now (from what I can see) but not the swim? RLGL becomes all but useless on tri plans if all three sports aren’t included.

I am very interested on what , if any, other features they are going to try to roll out on the tri plans this spring.


RLGL is covering run and apparently in the background swim or is being worked on.

It seems to be guiding me to more of a masters ratio, so I may give the masters tri plans a go soon.


Joe, if you try it out, post up your thoughts here please.

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