1st post and my 1st week on TrainerRoad and am loving it ! I entered my events and added in my goals and used the Plan Builder and have been working through my program.
I’m curious to know if:
If I find that I want to do an additional TrainerRoad ride into my week, will the Train Now feature pick a workout that is in line with what has been completed already that week, or what is to come ? For example, if I have a century ride on Sunday, and the program has me with no rides on Friday or Saturday and I want to be active, will it recommend an easy workout based on an impending hard effort ?
If I add a hard MTB ride with friends on a non-training day or on top of an existing workout, do the plans adjust to the added activity ? If I add an easy ride, does the program remain unchanged ?
Thanks so much and excited to be a part of this group.
Not sure about the first question as I don’t use Train Now. I think it handles TR workouts but not others. I believe it just looks at history not what’s coming up but those who use it might confirm or refute.
Plan Builder is sort of “fire and forget”, once you’ve gone through the steps of creating a plan it’s up to you to manage it. So if you need a week off for illness, holiday or recovery then you have to modify the plan yourself. This is partly what Adaptive Training - AT - is aimed at, it looks at everything (well that it knows about) and makes adjustments on the fly so, ideally, you get the most suitable workout.
The last pod cast explains it well. Train now based on your past history comes up with a workout to suit you then; it takes no account of a future target. Adaptive Training when its released will do both (look in the past and to the future).
Can’t wait to get added to Adaptive Training beta (can you pull any strings ).
As I mentioned, I was a winter zwifter that rode outside once the weather warmed up. I began to race for the first time and realize now how important all year structure really is. Can’t wait to put in the work and see some gains !!