Since roughly the end of November, I’ve been running lots of sweet spot base and struggling and failing in the last week or two of the plan. I think I’ve prob done base 1, 2 then 1 again with an extra z2 each week for some endurance, I think I just need to break the 8 weeks up with a rest week next time I do a base.
I’m now in the last week of SSB1 LV (+ 60-75 z2 each week) and quite frankly 4 months of base is getting a bit much, plus I’d really like some sort of top-end power (1000W is my longer-term goal) I have done SSB2 just had an SSB1 set after it so I’m wondering how much short power requires the second base plan?
I don’t think it would chuck me in too much of a hole since the plan does have a rest week in the middle since you get another ramp test.