Nino Schurter training splits

Interesting to see him post this, as most people have always assumed that pros spend more time on their road biking training than their mountain bike.


Now let’s see those race power files!

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Here’s some insight into that 8.9% strength slice: N1NO - The Hunt for Glory - Chapter 9 Part 1 "Hittin' the Gym with the Champ" - YouTube


What’s the ~1% unlabeled piece?

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Plenty of first class dirt roads in Switzerland, allows a nice balance between road and dirt I guess.


Zwift? He actually did post a photo of himself using it the other day and trainer is not listed on here, unless it’s under road use.

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We’re talking about Nino here, so I’m going to assume it’s time spent interrupting all the other listed activities to take photos for Instagram.


That’s part of his job as a professional athlete

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Fascat Coaching actually uses Nino’s workout and schedules it into their cycling plans 1-2x per week. the run down on the routine is public Nino's Circuit Training – FasCat Coaching

I’ve been (attempting) it since November. A balance board figures into several of the exercises but for the rest you can do most of them, or versions, with stuff you probably already have. No juggling on the the balance board yet but it is a great core workout.


A buddy of mine bought a Pedalo after seeing that video… I’m waiting for him to lose interest so I can borrow (and never return) it.


Try stir the pot with a yoga ball. Similiar concept without the fancy equipment.

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I passed on the Pedalo but I’ve fallen in love with the balance board. There are a bunch of things you can do with it for your core but my favorite when I am felling lazy is just standing on it an calling it a work out :wink: It takes up less room than a stability ball. I’m also finding that if i just stand on it in the morning for a bit when my legs are sore the little micro movements to balance make the soreness go away. Its kind of like a little warm up for the day.


Romantic time.

Unlabeled to keep his Instagram PG.


I’m curious if Mtn bike is time on his MTB or actually doing MTB rides. Like if goes out and does intervals on a fire road or even a paved road but it’s on his MTB does that count toward the Mtn bike? I’m sure he does a decent amount of road and interval riding on his MTB just for specificity sake.


The 8.1% of running kind of surprises me. Given the total amount of training time, he’s probably running a fairly decent amount.


But running (and xc skiing) may vary with the season. The skiing is done only Nov-Jan, there was a lengthy article about this in a Suisse newspaper last year. he does intervals and these things, this is not just crusing around and admiring the beautiful landscape there. 5.6% for only 3 months.


I knew he was big into xc skiiing but never seen him post anything about running, so I’m just surprised it was higher.

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I would draw any conclusions from his mtb or road rides as as you can’t be sure of the terrain.

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