I get no resistance from my kickr using the trainerroad app. I calibrated the kickr several times within the app before starting my workout. I have an older kicker that doesnt measure cadence so i have a separate cadence sensor. Ive tried the app on two different devices. Please help.
Can you open the Devices tab in the TR app and open the trainer, then take a screenshot?
Hey there, sorry to hear about the trouble – please reach out to support@trainerroad.com so we can help get this sorted out for you!
That’s the main screen that seems fine to my eyes.
Can you click on the KICKR and share what the next screen shows?
I just did a workout then got off and saw your message and took this screen shot. The workout did give me some noticable resistance at the 179w target. In between at 140w target it feels like nothing. Then at 100w its of course feels like really nothing. Maybe im just not used to erg mode. I normally just watch tv while my garmin records the ride and my perception of 179 watts was is higher normally. Hr seems to indicate that too but ill just keep trying. Todays ride was with the third device ive paired with and interestingly it did not pick up my cadence sensor but i see it seems to be reading cadence from my HR monitor which I did not know it could do. Sorry for the long message. Thanks
That all looks normal to me. Not sure on the workout without more info.
Perhaps TR can review the back end of your ride data to see what’s up. Make sure to open a ticket per the link above because that is likely the best bet for handling this.
My kickr often has no resistance when I get started. It’s connected and senses cadence just no resistance. Unplugging the kickr then plugging it back in seems to do the trick for me.
PITA but it lets me get my workouts done.
I should probably check to see if it needs a firmware update though. Haven’t checked in a while now that I think about it.
I had that (or similar, hard to tell from the info you’ve given us) issue long time ago with my Kickr V5, and what helped back then was to disable “ERG mode power smoothing” and do a factory spindown (do that from Wahoo app, don’t use TR calibration!).
However, two months ago the problem came back and became totally incurable, I’ve tried absolutely everything. Reached out to wahoo customer support, battled them for two weeks (they were not eager to help me, to put it mildly), but finally convinced them to replace the unit.