So I won’t mention the competitor programs but they also align with various Master Coaches tips/guidance I have heard over the decade - In regards to the Specialty Crit Plan, does anybody else think doing more than 16-20 mins is counterproductive for a Masters Athletes?
Does TrainerRoad have a Masters Athlete option on their programs or does one have to apply a personal approach to their one size fits all plans?
Depends on the length of your criterium IRL, the course, some courses are V02 punches every 50 seconds, others aren’t. If your crit is 45mins, you might need to be able repeat V02 efforts time and time again. Also known as death by a thousand cuts.
I tend to like to be able to repeat 20-30sec V02 efforts, they are also great for a end of a road race if you need to close attacks.
This really depends on how much time you need to recover between workouts. Personally, I’m 54, I’m currently stretching out week 3 of Short Power Build MV as I know I wouldn’t be “complying” with the week 3 sessions if I did them too close together. Some of the sessions have 17 to 18 mins at “VO2” which is doable if I’m properly rested.
From experience I would say ‘no’. I’m 48 and always looking to spend 20’+ TiZ for a VO2 session. I’ll be absolutely nailed afterwards but then I was when I was 30
Personally I try not to let my age dictate my training, but rather I train as I always have but then try to listen to my body an adapt load/recovery as necessary.
Covid and a medical condition has given me the opportunity to sit back and plan how to train after I recover from my operation (17 days away).
As a 53 year old female I will begin by incorporating all the advice I have read on the forum.
-reduce intensity
-3 week recovery cycle
stretching out training plans
add endurance (my preference)
One of the things I want to dial in when I get back to racing is pacing.
Would a master’s athlete be expected to pace differently?
If not does changing our training put us at a disadvantage?
TR is incredibly versatile, and as another poster said, the definition of “Masters” varies widely. Far too widely to just have a generic “Masters” option for training plans IMHO.
It takes a bit of self-knowledge, but modifying a plan to your unique needs is pretty easy. Me, I just build my own from scratch, but even that’s easy.
As I progress in any given plan, I’ll adjust as needed…life happens.
I hope not. I’m 54 and starting to put regular VO2 workouts on my schedule. Yesterday I did 10 of Bago’s 12 3-minute intervals for the first time. Previously my best was 8 out of 12