Sodium Citrate
Nothing else needed.
You could also do any other form of carbs that will sit well with your gut. Quick oats are tasty with sugar added.
Goal for pre-workout nutrition when constrained to 75min prior to exercise: make it look a lot like your intra-workout nutrition.
Consume something upon waking.
Consume more around 10-15min pre-ride. You’ll stave off some of the hypoglycemic response by doing so.
Related link spam below
Quick summary:
1:1 Glucose:Fructose Ratio Works better than 2:1.
90-150 grams of carbs per hour during exercise may be beneficial. 90 is not the limit.
Sucrose works as well as maltodextrin:fructose, and glucose:fructose 1:1 mixtures. >>90g/hr is optimal
Isotonicity is not as important as meeting carb and hydration needs. Both can be met with hypertonic solutions, greater than 90g/hr.
Detailed how-to guide for intra-workout fueling: (scroll to near bottom)
Running intra-workout fueling, sweetness discussion
Really spelling it out: HOW TO:
Even more how-to, with savings calculations: