My family and I went on a 1-month long trip to Europe. It was a mix of work and vacation, and because I went with the entire family there was no way for me to bring my bike with me. I only worked out once towards the end (we usually stayed at Airbnbs without gyms).
I’m super eager to get back. Apart from the expected weight gain (only 1 kg, although I also lost about 1 kg of muscle according to my Withings scale, i. e. I gained 2 kg of fat), I feel very good and am itching for sports. I am not training for a specific event this year, so I don’t mind to start from scratch.
Should I do that or should I just continue with my training plan? I’m currently in the Build phase and missed the end of Base and a bit of the beginning of Build.
PS I had a look at some suggested topics, including this helpful thread.
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Purely based on my own experience I would recommend to start with base again.
Over the winter I’ve done SSB and following that a Road Race build phase. Because I didn’t have a racing bike in spring, I’ve jumped back into base building in March. I’ve used a more polarized approach for outdoors, but my main focus still was a solid base. Two months later I feel incredibly good on the bike. After this year I’m sold. A broad aerobic base matters more than just high quality intensity.
I would do one block of a later base phase, then move onto a phase with higher intensity
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I tried a tougher workout suggested by TrainNow and yes, I am going to base. My heart rate spiked to 175 bpm, something I typically only see when I am pushed right to the limit.
Checking another related aspect, I don’t see a mention of your FTP and how you have it set currently. Starting with AIFTPD or a test of your choice may be useful depending on where your current FTP value originated. If that is elevated and not up to date, that could be an additional factor in your experience today.
Jeff / Norcal Cycling just posted a video about coming back from a month off the bike due to injury:
I was going to post that video, heck I could have recorded it!
His rule of thumb, same one I use, is that for every week off the bike, take 2 weeks to regain the lost base fitness. That rule held true several times over the last few years.
The base period from the comments is “The base period is pretty much exclusively zone 2-3 for about 10 hours per week (or more if you can).”
Then ‘build’ looked like:
@OreoCookie I would call a 4 week break an “off-season” and restart from base.
I guess it also depends on what your training for. If you have a short mtb race vs a long gravel race vs a crit in a month or in 3 months. I would approach differently depending on what fitness you need when.
Also note the use or TrainerRoad and! Nice subtle plug for both.
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