One week in and get sick... now what?

Hey all, newly signed up member. New to TR but not to training. Many years on other platforms.

Started my plan this week after a 3 week holiday… 3 workouts in and i catch the flu from my 11 year old daughter.

Soooo should i skip the workouts till im better and let the TR adaptation do its thing. Or just start fresh new plan once im better?

Whether you’re training for a specific event or just overall form I would say take the rest and get over the flu and let the plan adapt and guide you back. Make sure to annotate the days you miss training as being sick so the AI overlord knows why you missed …

Hope you feel better soon

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Never train when sick, ever.

Get better, once you feel good, wait one more day, then start with 2-3 easy days, then continue the plan as normal :slight_smile:


There’s no right or wrong answer, but given your context of 3 weeks off prior + sick just 3 workouts in, if it was me I’d delete the old plan and start a new plan afresh once recovered.


I agree with recovering then restarting the plan, 3 workouts in the grand scheme of things won’t make much difference imo, especially as you have only just started.

Flu! What an effective way to lose a few kg! I would focus 100% on getting well first.

Then, clear my calendar and let TR re-build my plan. Lucky for you it happened right at the beginning of your training! That way you won’t agonize over all the training you’ve already done going to waste.

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Flu usually comes with fever, gut or stomach distress and some other not so great symptoms, but luckily usually doesn’t last too long. Take the time to feel better & then as others have suggested, start over. Maybe even take a week of endurance following the sickness as you may not be a 100% just yet. Don’t know if you are on a plan for a specific event, or how far out it is, but the missed time is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. We can only do what we can do.

Heal up quick!

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Rest/ Recover Annotate your plan and let it adapt.

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I couldn’t disagree more. I do all the time. However, use common sense and only do what you can recover from. Also, only train if you feel like training. Generally, when I’m sick that means I can do endurance but not much more intensity than that.

Additionally, pay extra attention to your recovery.


That’s a great way to get myocarditis, but you do you… just a very unnecessary way to ruin your heart.

Nothing is going to happen by taking a few days off. Your body needs rest when sick, regardless.

Silly to recommend something that is inherently dangerous, just because you do it yourself.

So no, don’t train when sick. And don’t normalise training when sick.

All good dont plan to train while sick. Been around long enough to listen to my body.

Question was purely training plan schedule related.

Please provide evidence where exercise while sick (whatever “sick” means), no matter the intensity or otherwise, leads to myocarditis. I have not seen this relationship. However, if you are diagnosed with myocarditis then yes, you shouldn’t exercise.

One large review of studies, published in 2020 in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews , suggests that exercise is more than simply OK when you have such an infection; it may reduce the severity of symptoms, as well as the number of sick days.

The cause of myocarditis is stated as such and I haven’t seen anything related to exercise.


Myocarditis may be caused by infections, some drugs and chemicals, or a condition that causes body-wide inflammation. Often, the cause of myocarditis isn’t found.

Potential causes of myocarditis include:

  • Viruses. Many viruses have been linked to myocarditis, including those that cause the common cold (adenovirus); COVID-19; hepatitis B and C; parvovirus, which causes a mild rash, usually in children (fifth disease); and herpes simplex virus.Gastrointestinal infections (echoviruses), mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus) and German measles (rubella) also can cause myocarditis. Myocarditis can also be caused by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
  • Bacteria. Bacteria that can cause myocarditis include staphylococcus, streptococcus, and bacteria that cause diphtheria and Lyme disease.
  • Parasites. Among these are Trypanosoma cruzi and toxoplasma. Some parasites are transmitted by insects and can cause a condition called Chagas disease. Chagas disease is much more common in Central and South America than in the United States.
  • Fungi. A fungal infection may cause myocarditis, particularly in people with weakened immune systems. Those linked to myocarditis include yeast infections, such as candida; molds, such as aspergillus; and histoplasma, often found in bird droppings.

Myocarditis may also be caused by:

  • Certain medications or illegal drugs (drug-induced myocarditis). These include drugs used to treat cancer; antibiotics, such as penicillin and sulfonamide drugs; some anti-seizure medications; and cocaine.
  • **Chemicals or radiation.**Exposure to carbon monoxide and radiation can sometimes cause heart muscle inflammation.
  • **Other inflammatory diseases.**Conditions that may cause myocarditis include lupus, Wegener’s granulomatosis, giant cell arteritis and Takayasu’s arteritis.

All the data I’ve seen suggests that if you feel good enough to train, then you can do so but only if you don’t have a fever. If you have a fever though then you should not train as your body is busy fighting the sickness.

We just had a bout of the flu in our house. I was knocked out for two weeks and still tired in the 3rd and 4th week out.

I actually did a lot of easy pedaling. 20-30-40-60 minutes of easy zone 2 pedaling on the trainer for 2-3 weeks is way, way better for maintaining fitness than sitting around waiting until full recovery.

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Agreed. When I’m sick I’ll take a day or two off. Then back to training. At least start the ride/run. After 10 minutes if it feels like crap I’ll stop. When I exercise through it I recover faster, both from the illness and in my training.

If he really has the flu, then it’s probably going to hit him hard. A day or two off may work with a common cold but probably not the flu.

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Swab tested and confirmed for Influenza A, body aches and all. Would definitely not recommend riding in this condition.


Last flu I had wiped me out. I really had a lot of issues, coughing, and more…

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Sorry to hear about the flu!! That’s been an illness that’s really wrecked me when I’ve had it. Hope you recover fully soon!

I think either way would work for you. You can use Calendar Annotations (linked by @HLaB above) to let your plan adapt as necessary, or you could scrap it and start anew since you were only a few workouts in. Either option should get you similar results.

Here’s how to delete a plan if you need those instructions:

Rest up and drink plenty of water! :potable_water: