Does anyone have online videos (YouTube, subscription services, ect) that they routinely use for stretching, foam rolling, or yoga? I understand I can do these on my own but I prefer following a video. It holds me more accountable. Thanks for the suggestions.
Have you found any yet that you like?
I’ve used the routines here, and liked them:
They’re quite evenly paced (slow ) which I like, as it takes me a while to learn new moves, as my balance isn’t great.
I will check that out. I have also thought about looking into dialedhealth, as I know they have some stretching routines.
Nike Training Club app has some decent free content. They also have paid routines but I haven’t used any of them.
One of my goals for next year is to be able to touch my toes and in general have a stronger core. For stretching I’ve been doing a bunch of random stretches/foam rolling and seeing progress but it probably isn’t as effective as it could be. As for core I’ve just been doing planks and ab roll out but I’m not seeing much progress. Any one have a recommendation for stretching and /or core programs?
Did you see this thread?
I’ve used the following video a couple times. It’s by Derek Teal (Dialed Health) who’s been on the TR podcast a couple times in the past. It’s pretty tough.
That thread doesn’t have any programs
Have you looked at The Ready State? Kelly Starrett currently has a 14 day course going on to help you into the splits. Maybe you don’t want the splits but the course will help you touch your toes. Lots of other great stuff inside his subscription site.
Around six months ago, I bought the mobility and flexibility program from calimove dot com. I like it a lot, although I have a long way to go before I reach the more advanced levels of the program. The full progression probably takes around a year.
They have a popular youtube channel too: you can check it out here: 3 Perfect Stretches to Start Your Day! - YouTube seems similar to what you are looking for! I found it and used it for several months and enjoyed it.
My wife is an Equinox member, and Equinox’ new app Variis has a bunch of stretching, mobility, foam rolling classes that I’ve been doing, and they are pretty good. If you are an Equinox member, you get free access to all of the Variis classes.
Tom Merrick youtube channel is gold.