So getting ready to start MVSP and my question is this:
Ditch recovery ride and the Sunday for outdoors as long as I keep them similar in what their intent is in the plan. Recovery just as is and the Sunday ride looks to be the one I can replace with a long outdoor ride that I manage to keep my TSS and avg power on target with the TR workout. Asking because this I feel is the best fit to keep up my bike handling skills since I am a 50-100 mile mtb’er… and also maintain some quality saddle time.
The Sunday ride will be a 2-4 hour ride depending on how close I am getting to my races.
I made a HUGE jump in FTP during my SSTMV base plan. I already expect results to better than previous years as this is really the first season I have done dedicated training. I did LVSSB 1 last year just to do something and that helped tremdoulsy but that’s literally all I did besides 1 workout a week on the avg to maintain my fitness with outside rides.