So I have done TrainerRoad interval workouts exclusively on an indoor trainer in ERG mode since I started using TR about two years ago. While I have done prescribed recovery, zone 2 days outdoors I never did a prescribed workout, with intervals outdoors before. I figured I would give this a shot.
Context: I live in a suburb county of Philadelphia where the terrain is very rolling. I have the option of using an extensive rails to trail system (Schuylkill River Trail and Chester Valley Trail) or a number of smaller, side roads that are very safe for road cycling. For this workout I chose the latter and had Strava make up an ~40 mile route with ~3K of climbing.
The workout: The Chimneys +3. A two hour threshold workout with over/unders:
The terrain of my route:
The result:
(This ride over two hours so that large pause was after the workout completed and I stopped by a convenience store to get more water )
I knew for the first time attempting intervals outside on a route that I did not design for said intervals would be difficult in terms of adherence and it definitely shows (plus it was 85+ degrees outside) but I am proud that I was able to make five distinct “bumps” that were my efforts. With that being said there is a lot to improve on.
I am curious what tips and tricks there are to doing outdoor interval work and the related planning in making it work?