I’m very new to TR. I record my outdoor non-TR rides in my Training Plan calendar. Does AT recognise these rides in any way? Thanks
Not yet.
If you schedule and associate a workout it’ll give you credit.
lots of discussions about this. A lot of us are asking for this feature but its not implemented yet. They say they are working on it but its been a really long time. I just hope they get it right when its released.
Many thanks for your response
It has been in the works for a while. AT was just released so you will have give TR some time to implement it. Lots of new features all the time.
Finding the right ride to get PL credit can be tricky. Yesterday I did a 2-hour ride, 35 miles, 175 TSS and .94 IF. Log In to TrainerRoad The closest matched workout in VO2 Max would push me from 8.7 to 10.2 or 11.3; in Threshold 6.2 to 9.3; and Anaerobic from 1.6 to 8.7! Those jumps would make my future rides much more difficult. At 69 y/o, I may just let that ride be an “audit class” – not for credit!
You sure your ftp is where it is? Not that’s impossible to have an if of 0.94 for 2hrs but you may be higher than you think
I think it’s about right. NP for the ride was 211 and my current FTP is 225, which was an educated guess (+5 watt) based on an incomplete Kolie Moore Baseline Test. (TR Ramp test gives me a lower result.) Intervals.icu estimates my FTP at 220 and this ride at 214, so I think my FTP is close. I have had other rides of <2 hours in similar IF range.