Hi all.
So this weekend TrainerRoad scheduled me for a 4:15 ride doing pizza rotondo. to avoid the mind numbing thought of being indoor for 4:15 i opted to the ride outside with my local group and ended up doing 4:50 over a hilly terrain pushing well above FTP. The TR ride would have been a 6.0 on my levels and a 1.1 on Tempo. Based on my actual efforts during my ride, I feel I may have gone over the 6.0 and way over 1.1, also, possibly hitting plenty of sweet spot and VO2 based on the climbing involved. Is there a way for TR to adjust the levels accordingly?
I would have thought such a hard and long ride would have affected my AI recommendations, but as yet no recommendations to preview. Any suggestions?
Hey there,
At the moment, unstructured (i.e., non-TR workout) rides won’t impact your Progression Levels.
It can be tricky to associate unstructured rides with TR Workouts/Workout Levels because of their stochastic nature. We don’t recommend trying to adjust your PLs based on unstructured rides – it can be easy to artificially inflate your PLs, which can result in getting workouts that may not be appropriate for your current fitness slotted into your plan.
For now, we’d recommend just leaving the ride as it is. Adaptive Training will still have enough data from the rest of your structured TR workouts to keep you on track.
That said, incorporating unstructured rides into our WL/PL system is something we’re working on for the future!
Hi @ZackeryWeimer thanks for the reply. I have a related question. I just noticed a Group Ride option for an outdoor ride. It gives instructions “Go hard during today’s group ride. Take pulls, keep up on the climbs, and throw in some attacks.” After completion, will it add towards my progression levels? Thanks
No need to reply. Did some additional reading and saw the announcement thread that answers my question. Thanks!
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Glad you found the answer in the announcement thread – for those who stumble upon this and are curious, Group/Solo Rides won’t impact your PLs at the moment, but it’s something we’re working on for the future. 
They will, however, have an impact on your AI FTP Detections and Red Light/Green Light!