Hi TrainerRoad Forum, I could use some help!
I recently purchased a Garmin Forerunner 945 and was excited about using it for TrainerRoad outdoor workouts, but now I feel a little confused… The recommended Garmin data fields don’t seem to be available on the Forerunner 945, specifically Target Power and Time to Go (and also Workout Comparison, although I didn’t really expect to see this one).
It’d be great to know what data fields other Forerunner users are using or recommend? I can still use 3s power, cadence, heart rate, and have wondered what other “timer” fields might be helpful (lap time, elapsed time, etc) to make up for the missing ones. I’ve also reached out to Garmin for with a feature request to add the “Workouts” and “Indoor Training” categories to the Forerunner data field options. Maybe someday a Garmin update could include these? I also tried searching the forum, but didn’t have much luck. Maybe I missed a helpful keyword and then a helpful forum post that already answers this?
Thanks for your help and guidance!