Outside workouts Que Sheets

Hello Trainerroad world!

I have been doing some of the work outs outside pushed to my Garmin.

I had an idea of how we could make these better! All I was thinking was a printable Que sheet with a small image of the work out. Something that could be taped on the top tube? This might be helpful. Obviously, I know I can make my own que sheet. I am just curious to see if anyone else has thought of this.

Love the outside workouts, looking forward to more development here.

If you swipe up from the main workout screen it will show you where you’re in the workout like this


On your garmin you can go over to the workout screen and there should be a little tab ico…and @Bhofstra beat me too it.

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thank you ! That is good help.

Still wish we could see a little picture on our calendar.

same on 530 ? Thank you

Was wondering about this myself. I have the 530. Doesn’t really bother me, but found it unusual I wasn’t seeing the whole workout!

Will try scrolling up (left hand side buttons should do that I’m guessing).

That is what I am guessing.

Yeah sorry I have an 830 so I can’t comment on how to get there without the touchscreen but I’m almost certain that I have seen a tutorial that used the 530 with that screen included.

You can see the workout steps on the 530 but only the next two steps not the full work out que? Any one else test?