I originally posted this on the FB page.
Finished the low vol ssb2 plan but really struggled with the Vo2 max work towards the end, failed to complete the kaiser workout.
Just started the sustained power build plan and had a disappointing ramp test which had me 5 watts down on my existing ftp which I’ve chosen to ignore. Thing is I’m still right on the limit with the Vo2 max as I should be I suppose but when I do over/unders I find them pretty comfortable and are having to increase the intesity by at least 105%, last night on fang mountain+1 I upped the intensity to 110% for the last rep. I think my aerobic base is quite good coming from a running marathon background hence being ok on the sustained power workouts like over/unders but those bloody Vo2 max sets!
Maybe why I perform pooly with the ramp test and absolute power and might go back to the traditional but tougher 20min test. Anyone else struggle with the ramp test?
It sounds to me like you have a large aerobic but relatively smal anaerobic engine aka a low W’ balance.
You can try doing the standard 20 min test witch is more aerobic in nature compared to the ramp test.
If the result of both tests are the same you should just work threw it or lower it a bit and the 2-3 minute stuff will get easier.
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Similar discussion happening here, with a lot of useful advice catch 22 on vo2 work