Hi there TR!
I’m wondering if anyone else out there has struggled with overtraining syndrome, or underrecovery problems?
A few years back I was once a fit cyclist (over 250-300 miles per week easily) with racing most weekends, with lots and lots of years of high-end sport behind me.
I took probably 2-3 years off this elite level, and was starting to get back into cycling and running, with mostly low volume and high-intensity training. My mind was there, but my body just wasn’t.
I followed a very poor structured program, basically smashing myself every 2nd day, week in week out for a number of months, until one day, my legs just didn’t have any power any more.
I figured I’d give it a couple of days or a week to recover, and come back to it. This was now about 22 weeks ago.
My legs are still utterly cooked. It feels like I’ve run a marathon this week, followed by a few cycling criteriums.
You know that feeling when you do too many races back to back, and you need about 4-5 days recovery? Yeah, it feels like that…
They’re sore to touch, they ache, they’re heavy to walk up stairs with, and the last thing on my mind is doing sport. I don’t have any other complants. My resting HR is low, my sleep is fine, nothing else is the problem. I’ve had blood tests and a sports tests, but the doctors can’t find a thing.
Has anyone had anything like this before? I did once. Actually, I did the same thing last year (I know, I’m a smart guy). But it seemed to go away after about 3-4 months…
I guess I’m writing this for a few reasons.
One, so that I can look back on this hopefully soon when my body does recover, so I don’t ever do this again.
And two: Whilst I’m a believer in high-intensity intervals, I’m starting to realise just how important a strong aerobic base is, so your body can handle intensity.
Anyone been in this boat before?