Pedal stack height difference - R5800 to R7000 - plus any other differences?

Have relegated my R5800 pedals to a ‘winter’ bike I am building up and fitted R7000 to my road bike.

Has anyone done the same and if so have you had to make any other changes?

Are there any definite changes between the two pedals to spindle length, angle of clamping the cleats or shape of the pedal making it feel different?

First impressions is they clamp the cleats a lot firmer (blue), not just tighter on unclipping but also less float around the front of the cleat. There is no obvious wear on the 5800s but feel is very different - not uncomfortable though.

There is certainly a stack height change which has really irritated me. I have seen in reviews mention of the R8000 Ultegra pedal stack height changing (and mention of 7mm) but can’t find anything definitive for the R7000s. To get me riding I have dropped the saddle also 7mm (not moved back yet) but somehow the position feels too long and low, the exact opposite of what you would expect!

Obvious fix would be stick the R5800s back on and raise the saddle back up, but ideally I would get the bike feeling good on these. Very shocked at how much such a tiny change has mucked my whole bike feel up.

I have the same issue between Shimano Shoes. Their RC7 vs. Sphyre is something like 5mm difference in height. It’s enough that I get saddle sores if i wear shoes without adjusting seat down to compensate for the difference.

I think there’s a decimal place missing. I’ve seen -0.7mm in a few places for 8000 vs 6800, and suspect it’s close to the same change for 7000 vs 5800. It shouldn’t feel that different.

“Shimano has decreased the pedal’s stack height by 0.7mm”
Read more at Shimano Ultegra pedals review | Cycling Weekly

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That makes more sense from a construction viewpoint as not sure how they would have lost 7mm! Must have been a typo on the site I read the review on.

That said the change feels far more than 0.7mm (which I am certain I wouldn’t feel).

I’ll double check all the measurements on my bike and if necessary reset to my old fit numbers as a baseline. The bike did come with me on holiday back in July so was taken apart to put in the bike box, but I have a band of tape on the seat tube as a reference, so it usually goes back together spot on - let me ensure I haven’t mucked it up.