3 weeks ago a car turning did not see me and I ended up in hospital with pelvis break in 3 spots, fractured tail bone, internal bleeding and hole in stomach. 3 ops later I am starting to walk again. I needed a tummy tuck and have dropped from 71kg to 63kg but may drop further. Cycling is my main passion and I hope to fully recover. 6 years TR user going from 212 to 290 FTP. Now 50 years old. I want to hear back from anyone else who recovered from pelvis break. What was your experience and what did you learn. Thanks
So sorry to hear about this.
It sounds like you’re in good hands getting the right medical care you need. Take all the time you need to get back to full health and listen to what the experts advise you to do.
You’ve got the right attitude wanting to fully recover – take it one step at a time and I’m sure you’ll be back on the bike!
Way more minor than your injuries @Andym138 but I got knocked off by a cat that charged at my front wheel. That was back just after COVID started on 2020. The fall fractured the hip socket but it didn’t get picked up on the x-ray, so I walked round in agony for weeks and then biked in agony for 3 months until eventually I asked for another x-ray and they saw the calcification around the socket.
Anyway, it was a good excuse in that time to buy a variety of new saddles to try. I thought I was just dealing with a bruising/muscle problem in that time and just searching for comfort.
But aside from the excuse for material new things, I engaged a private physio and followed that advice to the letter. I also had a routine so far as morning protein shake and a vitamin D tablet. Plus general good diet.
People often see rehab as boring or assume that you’ll be fine once the trauma has healed. But I’ve seen this and a previous break as opportunity to do strength work, and improve my general motion for life - in the absence of being able to get on a bike.
You want to get 3 months/6 months/12 months down the line and know you did the things in your power to achieve the best outcome. And if it’s still a bad story, then it could have been a worse story had you done nothing. And so you carry on trying. It just has to be part of the training
@Andym138 Gosh, that’s hard. I’m sorry you went through this.
We’re rooting for you. As Zackery said, one step at a time .
I love this approach . Good advice for life in general too
Don’t have much to add other than as a fellow 50 year old with a propensity for cycling injuries I hope that you heal up quickly!
LC1 fracture? Did that 10 years ago, and it took me 4 months before I was riding again (at age 42), and was much longer before I was anything like 100%, but I did heal.
Thanks I’m also interested in getting private physio as well as NHS treatment so far has been very generalised. Physio / Strength training I feel will be key. I tend to avoid this and favour getting out on bike. But forced layoff will give me chance to build myself up as before.
Glad you got back to 100%,thanks sounds positive, anything you did which really helped the recovery?
I did the prescribed PT but I think it was mostly time.