Pensacola Cycling Options

My family and I will be in Pensacola Florida for a week, starting at the end of this week. The condo we’re renting has a gym, but it looks pretty basic. I’m hoping to bring my power pedals and shoes to keep up with my TR workouts while there for that week.
Any locals know of a cheap gym I could bring my pedals/ipad to and use trainerroad? Even a peloton would work, I think. No ERG mode but I could change the resistance based on the workout.
Any tips appreciated!

I went to college in Pensacola, but it was many many years ago. I do go through the area occasionally on the way to my wife’s family in Panama City, so I can give some generic feedback, but nothing specific.

I’m making the assumption here that you’re staying somewhere just over the bridge to the beach. If so, there are a few gyms along US98 between Pensacola and Gulf Breeze (the next city to the East). I’m not aware of anything actually on the beach, but the ones on 98 will be easy to get to and are close to the local groceries/coffee/etc. I think there’s a Y and maybe a 24 hour fitness (or one of the big chains). Sorry, but I can’t speak to the quality/fees/etc for each of them.

You might have to pay a small fee each time you cross the bridge, but it should be fast passage and not lengthy backups like in summer.

Back in the day I used to ride the road bike from the University down the hilly coastline, across the bay bridge, and to the beach on weekends. Was a fun ride with beautiful views, but dangerous!