Performance Management Chart

It’s been a while since I first uploaded my Performance Management Chart in Excel format. Hopefully those who were interested found it useful.

In the intervening period I’ve added some features and tidied it up a little so though I should share the revised version for anyone who wants to use it.

New features

  • The calendar now covers a 14 month period to give you enough space for a full annual plan including a couple of months of data beforehand.

  • The PMC chart can now have the start and end date changed to allow you to zoom in to a custom range.

  • New column layout for adding TSS in 4 categories: Planned, Indoor, Outdoor and Race.

  • Weekly TSS chart shows activities in the 4 colour-coded categories.

  • Weekly summary of TSS by category added to the tables.


There are notes on all of the input cells but here’s a summary of how to get started.

  • Select you start date which should be either ‘today’ or some day in the past. It should be a Monday to get everything to work well.

  • Enter your CTL and ATL numbers from the day before the start date.

  • Add daily planned values in the blue column. This will populate the tables and graphs with future values of TSS, CTL, ATL and TSB.

  • For each day that’s in the past you should add completed TSS in the appropriate column. Any completed values in the future will not affect the PMC.

  • Change the amount of PMC that’s displayed by adjusting the numbers above the PMC. Days before today should be added as negative numbers and days after today as positive. If the chart is displaying less range than you’ve asked for a note will be displayed.

Other notes:

  • Please do whatever you want with this spreadsheet but some feedback would be appreciated. I’d like to make things better for everyone.

  • The PMC view range must include ‘today’ so it’s not possible to zoom into a section that say 90 days at the start of the year. This may be a good improvement.

  • There’s a hidden sheet that deals with the weekly TSS chart.


I hope this is of use to some of you.



Thanks very much for sharing this Mike

My pleasure.

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Nice! I use GC and wattsboard, but I’m happy to give this a try!

Nice. I also did something similar in Excel years ago for planning purposes (TSS, CTL, etc…) minus the PMC portion. Yours is much prettier :smile:

:+1::+1::nerd_face: have a good one also


Not used much beyond signing up and having a quick look. Can you enter planned TSS? A lot of the power comes from looking at future stress.

Might have a play around with it later.


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No, you can’t enter planned TSS Mike

Not to hijack the topic and sidetrack it, I finally got onto Pretty neat, not sure how the creator did the ftp estimate, mine comes out to 297 (I’ve been training at 310), seems like it’s kind of tied to CTL? I kind of like the concept of the various training zones (I’m in grey now), I seem to only get my tsb into a good negative space during base, which makes sense why that’s where we see our best gains.

Thanks so much! I’ll be using this in conjunction with

I’m interested to see if the numbers match what is used in some of the other on-line services.

I’ve used the original equations used in WKO as developed by Coggan and co. Others appear to use a slightly different form that is close but doesn’t match those exactly.

Glad this can be of use.


So far, in comparing your PMC chart with seem to be matching up nicely. The one thing I’ve notice that’s different----CTL/ATL line up day-for-day between the two places, but TSB appears to be off by a day…my TSB today is what the PMC chart says my TSB is tomorrow.

Ex: CTL is 49 and ATL is 43 in both spots for today’s date, but says my TSB today is 6 (49-43) and my TSB on your chart says 0.4 today and it’s predicting a TSB of 6 for tomorrow.

TSB = yesterday’s CTL - yesterday’s ATL.


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So, after adding my personal data to this, I found that the Weekly TSS sheet VLOOKUP does not include the full array of dates which makes the planned TSS still appear on top of the completed TSS in the bar graph after a few weeks into the start date. If you select the array you want to read it’s fixed.

I meant to ask… What do the CTL and ATL constants do? Adjusting them obviously changes my current TSB but I’m just generally curious how this affects the data by dividing by this constant.


Cool, I’ll have a look at this when I get time.


I haven’t heard of CTL being adjusted but I’ve seen 3-7 for ATL. Need to play with it and see how your body actually feels.

“The ATL constants to set your Performance Manager Chart to in TrainingPeaks is between 3 – 7. Lower for younger athletes that recover faster and higher for older athletes that need more time to recover.” -Frank Overton

The constants determine how far back it’s averaging your TSS. Bigger the number the longer any given TSS has influence on your CTL/ATL.

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It’s not straight division by the constant. It’s an exponential decay function** of the TSS impact where the constant is the number of days where TSS is considered to have an impact on your training. In the case of CTL, the impact on your fitness level; in the case of ATL the fatigue impact. The difference, as explained elsewhere, it how much in debt your are.

** The exponential decay calculation used in both CTL and ATL include: (TSS * (1-e**(1-k))) where “e” is the exponential function and “k” is the constant. Thus, TSS from workouts yesterday have an exponentially greater impact than from 2 weeks ago (e-1 vs e-14 to be exact).

FWIW: The PMC calculations for ATL and CTL are a dramatic simplification of the Banister Impulse Response Model calculation. For a more complete explanation of the Banister Model and the PMC simplifications see Chapter 9, “Using Power to Manage Performance” in Allen/Coggan/McGregor’s Training and Racing with a Power Meter.

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When I get a bit of time I’ll write a sumarry of the equations I’ve used. The one you’ve outlined above is not the original one used by Coggan/WKO but it does give a close representation of the originals.
