Dumb question but it’s been stuck in my head for weeks. Pete mentioned something like a “fake aero bar” or something and said that his pinky’s just hook the levers. Anyone know what he’s taking about? I can’t remember the episode off the top of my head, it might have been when he was talking about sprinting. I think they were also talking about how his stem is slammed and he mostly rides the hoods.
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Thanks, I had that on my “list of things to Google” in my podcast notes.
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Also known as IAB, invisible aero bars…
I’m not totally clear in how the pinky’s hook the levers though.
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I’ll try to find a photo but do the fake aero bar and instead of putting hands together move them out to the sides and hook your pinkies on to the break levers.
Here is the best photo I can find (he’s using pinky & ring, but close enough):
Thanks guys, now I get it!
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