Saturday night I changed a date on one of my B races. It asked me if I wanted to refigure my plan based on the date an I clicked ok. It did it’s thing and now everything past the current phase is gone. All the annotations are there and all the events are there but all the workouts are gone. When I click on the training plan in the calendar I can’t edit anything. No clue what happened or how to fix it.
I was curious if anyone else was having issues this weekend or if it was just me?
Are you using the desktop app? I was having similar trouble last week. Resolved itself since.
I was using the internet browser on my iPad. It’s the same as desktop is it not? My still hasn’t fixed itself. Afraid I’m gonna have to start over which I’m not looking forward too.
I’d open the app and leave it running for an hour or so. There seems to be some delay in updating the workouts. Hopefully it’s sorted before your next workout.
Support was able to duplicate the problem I was having and is working on a fix for the glitch.
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YAY! Stoked to hear that the support team sorted you out!