Plan builder - modifying


Im using Plan Builder to prepare for two ironman events this year - so have the workouts for this on my calendar. I want to add two B race half ironman - to see if it modifies the plan at all but I can’t see where my previous plan builder info is saved - If I click on plan builder I have to start from scratch again.

Am I missing something - isn’t there somewhere where it is stored and I just go modify what I put in before


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Not saved. You can add your B events in the calendar and it will ask you if you want to modify your plan.

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B races do not change the structure of the plan; they simply replace the workout on the scheduled date, remove the workout immediately following, and replace the preceding workout with a race opener if you enabled that option during the initial setup :+1:.

The only thing that will change the plan’s overall structure is a change of A race, and at the moment, we cannot recalculate for this type of change. If an A race changes, you will need to delete and re-process your plan making sure to set the start date as the date when you began your training.


I would like to know what should I set as a start date when I have started on 5.11.2019 but have pushed two weeks of training forward sinne i didn’t manage to do the workouts during the week. I did some rides during those weeks but not all sinne I was skiing and on a business trip.

At least it looks like that plan builder doesn’t it into consideration that I’m now at the last week of SSB2 even it has been 14 weeks instead of the 12 planned.

Or if I select the 26.11.2019 as the start date it will then adjust the plan builder so it will end the SSB2 as it will end now. (After this week) However if I would like to get the builder to take into consideration the two ”races” I have in my calender the builder will not suggest me SSB1 and SSB2 but

Base 1 6 weeks
Build 1 2 weeks
Base 2 6 weeks
Build 2 8 weeks
Base 3 6 weeks
Speciality 1 8 weeks

And the problem with this is that I have allready done SS1 and 2 and I don’t know how to continue.
I believe that the weeks are done this way so that I would get the best plan for the first B/C race.

Sometimes it takes some trial and error with the start date to get everything lined up as it should be, and it won’t always be perfectly clean and seamless, unfortunately.

One thing that can help get things situated properly after a change of A race is tweaking your stated experience level to “Expert” or “Advanced” since this will change the prioritization of the Base, Build and Specialty phases. Through some combination of experience level and start date, you should be able to get things close to how they should be.

We know this is not ideal, and we are building a tool that will allow you to reprocess for new A races in the future, but we do not have an ETA at the moment. Until then, it will be a bit of a process of guess-and-check.


Ok. That sounds good. The best would be that the builder would know where you are at your current plan and would adjust with that.

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@Bryce would you mind clarifying what happens if you delete an event from a plan?
Clearly a C race replaces the days workout. If this is deleted does the workout get re-instated?
Does removing a B race also remove the openers prior to the race?

At the moment, the plan does not recalculate after deleting a workout. We have plans to develop functionality that allows us to fill the proper workout in place of deleted B and C races, however, we do not have an ETA at the moment.

Deleting a B race does not delete the openers. Once a race is added, anything you do to get rid of it or move it will not cause your plan to recalculate at this time. We are working hard to improve how the Plan Builder handles these types of things though :+1:.

@Bryce thank you for the response. I’m guessing the easy work around at present is to look at the current plan you are in and fill in the missing workouts as required :wink:


Follow-up here on modifying. I just started SSBLV2 yesterday. I noticed I have bad A event data in m plan in June and July. Can I delete all training that I have not accomplished, then build a new clean plan starting day 1 (in the past of course) of my original plan.

Second question, both my events are rides (I do not race at this time) and are 25%-50% gravel. Both are around 4-6 hours I am guessing. What is the best category for them or do I need to categorize them at all?

I should add I am low-experience with respect to structured training and just started getting back to riding regularly ~6-7n weeks ago following my second hip replacement last year.

  • Yes.
  • If you plan to “ride” them, Gravel is likely good.
  • If you plan to “race” them, I’d use one of the Road Race plans that aligns with how you want to perform.
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Sweet. Thanks Chad. I just figured out that first of all modifying in Plan Builder does a nice job and that you can then just go in and compare the plans to the schedule and tweak any inconsistencies.

I appreciate the quick feedback. I am trying to figure out how to modify and then work around/through an upcoming 16-day work trip.

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I’ve been using a private cycling coach for the last few months, but due to cost i’ll probably switch to trainerroad.

I’ve been doing a mixture of base and high intensity workouts since September, and have my race season starting late february.

How easy will it be to accommodate my tapering, workouts etc without going through the planbuilder in trainerroad, since i’ve already done my own base build?

Hey @christron133!

You have the ability to add individual workouts, individual plans, or complete Plan Builder plans to your Calendar, which allows you the flexibility to work around whatever schedule you may be planning around.

The Taper weeks can be found in Weeks 7 and 8 of the correlating Specialty Phase, and while you can’t add those weeks by themselves, you can add the Specialty Phase to your Calendar, trim the extra weeks, and then copy/paste the taper weeks to where they belong.

Since you won’t be using Plan Builder, you can use articles in our Help Center to help inform your decisions as well.

Now, all that being said, it will likely be easier to use the Plan Builder tool to help you build your training for the rest of the season. It may take some trial and error, but by setting the start date as the day in September you started training, you will get some of the “credit” for all the training you’ve done thus far, and it will help you to choose the best way to proceed.