Plan change -all sessions in build phase below FTP?

Just re-opened my TR sub. Was a surprised when plan builder created the build phase without any above ftp workouts. Not a single one. Althogh that my change with the AI adoption feature.

Is this my design now? Or is this triggered by my input to the plan?

I will also try to create a new one.

Hey there,

This is probably because you’re on a full-distance triathlon plan. Higher-intensity bike workouts come after Base 1.

I’m doing a bit more digging into the reasoning behind this, but I suspect it might be because of the higher overall load when considering all of the work off the bike. :thinking:

I’ll report back with what I find! :male_detective:

Thx for looking in to it.

Your assumption make sense. Also including I have been doing all my training the last year without using watch or similar. I guess TrainerRoad problably think I am in worse shape (since it does not have access to any training sessions the last year) than I actually are. Or maybe it’s just more effective to keep calm and carry on these days… :smiley:

I will try to stick to the plan for now but will probably add some workouts with higher intensity using “train now” :slight_smile: .

While Adaptative Training will get you to the right level over a few weeks, if you have been training regularly, but not tracking the data, and you believe that there is a data insufficiency issue, choose some workout alternates from the Stretch or even Breakthrough categories to get to the right levels a bit faster.


That sounds like a good plan.

I’ve done some more digging, and it turns out that this is how our triathlon plans have always been structured. For the reasons I mentioned before, we’ve typically stuck to Sweet Spot workouts for intensity during the Base phase.

These plans are tough on their own, so don’t feel the need to push things further than what’s prescribed just for the sake of doing it. If you’re craving a bit more work, that’s one thing, but it’s not required to get faster. Those Threshold workouts will come further down the road.

Another option would be to use Workout Alternates to pick some harder Sweet Spot workouts to swap in from time to time. Sweet Spot can get really challenging in higher-level workouts! :sweat_smile:

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Thx! Good suggestion.

Thx for digging and clarifying! I will keep calm and carry on. :slight_smile:

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