Post illness training

I have had a cold/cough the last couple of days and rather than push training back constantly I have added in a few days of “illness” to take the pressure off and let the software restart me where it though appropriate. Part of the thinking was I knew it had me doing two of my hardest bike sessions yet back to back on Thursday and Friday.

I was surprised to see that now its replaced my first bike session back on Thursday with an immediate ramp test which feels really odd to do as a first activity after 4 days off sick when I won’t really know how recovered I am.

Any thoughts? Note the day after is the same Friday session it had originally planned.

Play the long game and ease into it with some light recovery rides like taku or something like that. see how you feel after that and go from there. Don’t let software make decision for you and just go by feel.

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Or do the LSCT and check RPE to guide you in what’s the next workout

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