I arguably do too much – too many exercises. But, I’m doing strength training to balance out muscle development for the bike, the rowing erg, and for rucking, so I’m doing more than I did when I was just lifting for the bike.
After March 2020, I stopped the gym (closures) and discovered the joys of the sandbag. For me, 60lbs of sand is enough – the Garage Fit brand bag I have has a 75lb capacity, so 60lbs still allows it to shift around as you lift, which is the point (depending on how much the weight is shifting and how many planes you move it though, it becomes 2-3 times harder to lift than a barbell with the same weight).
High Pulls alternating with Rotating Lunges
5-5-5 Back Squat-Front Squat-Bear Hug Squat (5 reps, then move the back, count to 10, do the next exercise – 5 reps is all I can do on these, in the gym I can only do 5-6 reps at 135 for a good depth back squat) alternating with Push-Ups with a 20lb weight vest.
Single Leg Dead Lifts alternating with Bent Over Rows
Single Leg Romanian Dead Lifts alternating with Pull-Ups
Hip Thrusters alternating with Shouldering Cleans (hold the bag from underneath like you’re lifting a log, say, then clean it and finish with it over your shoulder – alternate left and right sides as you lift).
I do this a few hours after doing a hard Fartlek session on Saturday, and I do it first thing Wednesday morning (4:30 AM), the day after a hard interval or fartlek on Tuesday night, then ride 12hrs later on Wednesday afternoon/evening.
I’ve been barbell lifting for years (like, 30) and a combination of lots of endurance training combined with being tall and skinny with long arms (I’m six one, 165, six-five arm span) means that I’ve never been able to lift much in the gym. The 60lb sandbag kicks my butt.