I wanted to start a discussion with those using PowerMatch with a modern smart trainer. Specifically, what has your experience been?
My equipment, I have a Kickr v1 (I’d upgrade, but using my own PM negates any upgrade benefit), and a Verve InfoCrank (true dual-sided PM).
The first thing that one will notice is the fluctuation in power, none of that artificial smoothing the Kickr does, and second, it’s my opinion and that of many others that the smart trainers are VERY generous in reading power. I found it to be about 8-10%, which makes sense. For example, on the Kickr I can hold 310-320W for 30-40 mins without issue, on the road, using two different PMs it’s more like 275-285W.
Now using a PM w/ the Kickr my numbers are back in-line, but I find ERG modes at 120+% of FTP are brutal, I think it could be attributed to the slight lag from the software reading my PM then adjusting the Kickr resistance. For everything else, it’s fine.
In summary, I’ve learned to be wary of claims of W/KG from folks measuring on a smart trainer.
@Nate_Pearson, you mentioned on a podcast a while ago that you switch from ERG to Resistance mode for certain workout types, I can’t remember the difference and I can’t remember which podcast you said it. Can you elaborate?