guys, that’s my second sezon on bike. My plan is to start and finish l’etape du tour. 135km 4500m climbing
What do you think, is my workout on Trainer Road is ok?
Sweet Spot Base Mid Volume II
Sweet Spot Base High Volume I
Short Power Build Mid Volume
Road/ Climbing Road Race
before race some medium activites based on Climbing training and one week before race ease ride and freshness
Whole training program is for 7 months
Medium hours per week 6-8h, medium TSS per week 400-550, average IF per training 90-100
My present FTP is 205, My longest ride ever was 107km, my highest climb was 1500m
Plan for race is to finish in 6-7 hour, probably i will use wide cassete 11-40 with extender (wolftooth for shimano R800 RX)
I wonder, is my present training is enough to be well prepared to finish this race? Or maybe i should add more hours and longer training in next months?
i know this is a huge challenge, but i already decided to do this. So please tell me how to train in next 7 months? Thank you!