Progression Level Drop after 4Watt FTP Increase

Hi - New TrainerRoad User here.

I have been watching my progression levels increase over the last 3 weeks or so … I completed a workout yesterday and noticed some good improvements. Today I accepted a new AI FTP calculation that increased my FTP by 1% (4Watts).

Afterwards I noticed my progression levels dropping, is this normal?
After workout
Screen Shot 2022-05-10 at 10.47.58 am
Before AI FTP

After AI FTP

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Yes, that’s normal and that’s the idea. Anytime you raise your FTP your PLs will drop an equivalent amount so you don’t completely cook yourself. Now keep doing workouts and keep raising the PLs until you get another FTP bump.

Or to out it another way, if they didn’t drop you’d eventually get to 10s and have nowhere left to go.


Great, thanks @timon - makes sense

Interestingly though, the PL decrease was associated with my next workout. Does this mean I struggled with this workout? Or still simply a result of increased FTP?

Hey Thomas,
that was definitely the expected result of your FTP increase, but it looks like something is displaying incorrectly there on your career with the Progression Level annotation. Good catch, and thanks for pointing it out! Our engineers are looking into it to make sure it doesn’t happen again.