Progression level spikes [Resolved ✅]

My FTP updated last week, and so my progression levels reset, and after it all updated, everything seems fine (the PLs didn’t resent until after I’d tried to do the first workout, so that destroyed me). I’ve done my VO2 Max workouts, and I’ve gone up to 2.4, and then today up to 2.6. And then I noticed that Friday’s workout is a VO2 of 4.4, before next week is 2.9 and 3.4. The following week I go into Base2 - is the 4.4 an anomaly, or have I got 2.9 and 3.4 level VO2 max workouts as my recovery week?
I figured Progression levels would rise consistently (ish) until an FTP reset put a step change in them. I’ve just blindly accepted all the adaptations for AT.

I suggest emailing so they can review and give advice.

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Following up on this thread: you were experiencing two different bugs in this instance, both of which the team is actively working on resolving.

In the meantime, I’m glad to see the support team has been in touch with an interim solution to help keep you training!

I’ll circle back and provide updates when we have fixes released for both of these bugs. :+1:


Thanks Ivy. The support team have been awesome and solved my issue with that particular workout until the underlying bug is squashed. :slight_smile:
Just in case anyone else is seeing this - the workout is now one with a VO2 level or 2.8, so the steps are much smoother and there is no spike.


SICK! Stoked to hear it!

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Following up, you should see both of these issues resolved!
Let us know if you’re still seeing issues.


That green check means a lot to us

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Stoked to hear that! We’ll keep using those. :sunglasses:

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