Hi TR minds. Quick question about progression.
Which takes precedence, progression level or TSS to increase each week on the same day.
Let’s assume both rides are 1:15 minutes long.
Ride A is Tempo 4.4 with TSS 75
Ride B is Tempo 4.2 with TSS 81
Should ride B come before ride A due to progression level - or- A before B based on TSS
Thx in advance.
Personal opinion, not sure if its backed by others:
I would choose progression levels over TSS, I would take the total weekly TSS as a mild guideline of not overdoing things.
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Workout levels for sure. I find them to be very accurate. The workout level algorithm is an amazing TR breakthrough IMO that allows you to carefully select a workout of the desired difficulty. Changes in interval clustering can make a workout much harder or much easier than another workout with the exact same TSS.
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