Hi all. I’m lucky enough to be stationed in San Diego where 99 percent of my rides are outdoors. Because of this, I didn’t feel the need to shell out the $ for a smart trainer. I have a Feedback Sports Omnium roller and it seems to do the job the few times I actually need it due to “bad” weather.
I have noticed that doing workouts on my indoor trainer is incredibly more difficult than outdoors. Holding a 12 minute sweet spot interval outdoors is a piece of cake whereas doing the same interval on my trainer makes me want to die.
I am using the same power meter on my bike so it’s not like a disparity of 2 different power readings. Is not having the flywheel effect of being outdoors or on a more expensive smart trainer the main reason for this?
I am curious/worried that doing a training session indoors alters the adaptive training on my plan because what should be an “moderate” workout ends up being “hard” or “very hard”.
Any input? Thanks!