Last week was a taper week. I felt well rested when I did Pierce -3 yesterday, but it was still very challenging. I was quite happy to have completed it successfully. That resulted in my VO2 Max progression level going from 3.0 to 4.6. Tomorrow I’m scheduled to do Gendarme +2 (a VO2 Max 4.6 workout). I have serious concerns about being able to handle a 4.6 two days after a very difficult workout, when I had difficulty with 3.0 when well rested.
How is the progress level calculated? I rated the workout yesterday as very hard (or very difficult, I don’t quite remember the language on the survey). If the ride was very easy, I could see knocking the progress level by that much, but it’s doesn’t seem to add up when the workout was that difficult.
This level of question is best directed to There are more factors at play here and we don’t have enough info on the outside to offer much help or more specific info.
If you rate a 3.0 workout as very hard, most likely your FTP is set too high. Especially coming from a taper week.
Pierce -3 really shouldn’t be that hard. Did you recover during the short under intervals?
fwiw I’ve also been a bit freaked by the jump in progression and workout level/ proposed adaptations after marking workouts “Very Hard”. However, in my experience I have managed to complete the next workout, albeit with another “Very Hard” score. I’m running with trusting the process, and being honest if it really was “all out” or I get the fail survey.
A charlie horse is a muscle spasm. Often happens after vigorous exercise when the muscle is slack. It’s quite painful. I get them in left calf from time to time, the trick is put weight on it and stretch out the muscle.