Pyramid intervals

Hi all,
wondering if there is a trainerroad equivalent to the intervals described here

here’s a death march if you want one!

Warm up 20m

4m @ 100-105%, 2m @ 70%
3m @ 106-120%, 2m @ 70%
2m @ 121-150%, 2m @ 70%
1m @ MAX EFFORT, 2m @ 70%
2m @ 121-150%, 2m @ 70%
3m @ 106-120%, 2m @ 70%
4m @ 100-105%, 2m @ 70%

Recover 10 minutes, and then Repeat once more!

IF you are DEAD, like literally DEAD, extend the recovery 70% to 3m or 4m, try to keep it short though. OR, reduce the % to full on recovery for just 2m.

Really dig and fight on this one; this is a HARD HARD HARD workout. Harder than races at times.
