Pyrenees recommendations

I’m off to the Pyrenees at the end of May / start of June - sort of a road trip, taking my Alpine along for the driving opportunities and making it as cycling focused as I can reasonably get away with :face_with_tears_of_joy:

We’re staying in Argeles-Gazost for a week and I’ve booked accommodation, bike hire and pinpointed four climbs to target:

  • Tourmalet
  • Hautacam
  • Aubisque
  • Luz-Ardiden

All offer something different and all are within easy striking distance of where we’re staying.

I’m looking for recommendations for:

  • Decent Coffee stops
  • Places to eat (evening)
  • Local stuff to do off the bike (my partner doesn’t ride so non-riding days and afternoons will need to be considered non-cycling focused and I need a list of fun / enjoyable / interesting alternatives to consider, rather than just sitting by the pool (that are within a maximum 90 minute drive)

I’ll do the obvious internet searches but wanted to ask the forum for any recommendations based on personal experiences as in the past I’ve found those to be worth their weight in gold.

Thanks in advance :+1:t2::+1:t2:

Not really a cycling recommendation although you can cycle to them and maybe a bit out of the way for you but I really enjoyed the kathar fortresse especially Peyrepertuse and of course their citadel which is even further east from where you are staying)

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I’ll take a look - thank :+1:t2:

Argeles is a really nice place to stay, have a great trip.

In no particular order:

There is a really nice patisserie in Argeles called PÂTISSERIE JEAN VIGNAU, a really nice place to go to post ride for a snack, cake/ pastries and ice cream.

I’m not sure how active you want your non cycling events to be but there are some really nice walk/hikes you can do from Argeles or within your 90min drive.

Also take a look at the all trails app for other walks/hikes.

I would recommend a drive to Lac Estaing, a lovely lake you can walk around with a cafe too.

It’s quite cool to drive to the top of the Soulor and watch the birds of prey, especially the cirque du litor. There are usually observers counting the birds each day, they are always happy to talk.

There is a zoo in Argeles if that’s your thing.

You can walk from Argeles to Pic du pibeste. No cafe so take snacks.

It’s also quite nice to take a drive up to Couterets, it’s a ski resort but plenty of places to eat, drink etc and if you want you can continue on to Ponte Espagne, where there is plenty of parking and a cable car.

Just to add, they resurfaced the Hautacam top to bottom last year, it’s an absolute dream (although no less hard !!!)


This is awesome - thanks so much for the helpful info :+1:t2::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Brilliant - should mean my less than impressive effort that I am likely to put in will at least have the benefit of smooth rolling :joy: