I’m curious to know what tyres you all are using for tri racing.
I’m doing a mix of sprints and 70.3, and I’m looking for tyres to use in both. I’ve got racing wheels that measure 23mm external at the brake track, so I’m guessing that my best bet is a 23mm tire. I don’t know if I’m brave enough for something like the Corsa Speed, but most other of the modern tires only come in a 25mm as the smallest option. GP5000S ors Corsa Pro would probably be safe bets otherwise.
I ride Michelin power TT on my TT bike and they are nearly as fast as Corsa Speeds - but if I was doing longer distance tri where race entries are expensive (as opposed to UK TT where if you puncture you just bin the race knowing there are plenty more affordable races coming up) then I would be on GP5000 - you can still put a 25mm on a narrower rim and it will still be pretty fast - I have them on all my road bikes and the 25 sits well on my Hunt wide rims and slightly narrower Level rims I have on my Ribble SL aero bike. They are by far the best compromise of speed and durability. Oh and put latex tubes in as well and the difference between them and the Corsa speeds will be negligible