Race Simulation Workouts

Hi. Looking for suggestions on race simulation type workouts. Other than searching ‘race’ does anyone have any others?
Looking for something around 2 hours and would have a mix of efforts but no real true recovery maybe just under threshold?
Feel like I may just need to create one…

I would look at the speciality plans of your chosen discipline and have a look at the workouts listed. This would be a good starting point. I believe you can then find alternatives to these workouts in the library…i think anyway.

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this would be very welcome, the one thing i think Zwift has over TrainerRoad is the race environment it can offer.

Yes I’m missing that to be honest. I have had a look and can’t really see a good race sim.

Just found ‘blue’ and ‘barren’ if they’re any good?

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For half ironman training, Pendleton is perfect

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Found blood. Looks intense and roughly what I’m after - sweet spot ish plus random intervals.

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