Hello all. I am new to TR and have a quick question.
Should I be using the erg mode or trainer resistance mode on the Cyclops H2?
I just took my first ramp test and expected it to much harder aerobically than it was and am wondering if maybe I did something wrong. First off I am using a H2 trainer in erg mode and did the test in 50 x 16.
What I experienced at the end of the test was being unable to turn the cranks because of my lack of leg strength and not because of my aerobic capacity. I do know that my cadence went from 95 to just about 70 towards the end. I was just starting to breath hard and my heart rate was at 185(max is 194). I guess I was expecting it to be more like a VO2 workout were I feel spent and get close to my max heart rate. With all the texts about how much I was going to suffer, I just thought maybe I have a setting wrong or maybe need to put more effort into keeping the cadence higher, which I think may have been my problem. I don’t know…your thoughts please.
Having said all that…my FTP 235 came in just a little lower than the FTP 240w I got from doing a 20m test a week ago.