I got Raymon -1 on my calendar and while I was swapping from indoor to outdoor I noticed that indoor was 4x5 min @ 108% with a 30s break mid-set and outdoor was straight up 4x8 min @ 108%…
Is this intentional?
I got Raymon -1 on my calendar and while I was swapping from indoor to outdoor I noticed that indoor was 4x5 min @ 108% with a 30s break mid-set and outdoor was straight up 4x8 min @ 108%…
Is this intentional?
Thank you for pointing out that discrepancy! We’ve now fixed Raymond -1 and it should reflect the same structure as it’s indoor version
Please let us know if you run into any others like that.
Hi @Paul_Milke_TR - I THINK this could be the same issue? One is:
Stretch (on the left) or is it Productive (on the right)?
the other is the same workout, same day, but
Edit: Tagging @IvyAudrain to see if you can help explain?
Hello @Pbase! This can be related to the same issue. I’ve ensured that Perkins -2 is corrected on our end. Both should be Endurance 4.9.
That said, you may need to log out of the TrainerRoad application and then log back in to initiate a new sync with our server. This will guarantee the changes I made are reflected on your end as well
Thanks! Any explanation for why it says Stretch on one screen and Productive on the other?
Hmm that can be hard say with certainty without some troubleshooting/investigation on our end. If this was recently occurring, can I have you see if it persists after you’ve logged back in?
If it does, shoot me an email at support@trainerroad.com. I’ll pick up the ticket myself so we can work together on reproducing the scenario you encountered. Shouldn’t be too much work, just easier to dive into it via email!
Thanks, but I had to delete it this morning because I could not get it to switch to Indoor from outdoor. This is another issue I’ve raised with @IvyAudrain here: Cannot change rides from outdoor to indoor for upcoming days [Resolved ✅] - #16 by Pbase
Glad to see Sarah reached out to you, we’ll get you sorted out!