Hi all,
I finished my season in late Sep doing an FTP test after a 2 week break and hitting 298.
Since then, I have been hit by illness and leg problems which effectively stopped my training until December. I redid FTP and started SSB1 at 267 Watts.
I’m due to finish this at the end of next week and I’m not sure whether to do SSB2 or redo 1 (I have no pressing races/events I’m training for). I did a Zwift race and put out 315W for 10mins so assume my FTP is heading back towards where it should be - I’ve also been relatively comfortably finishing all the prescribed workouts even doing some back to back to back hard days (over/under / long SS / over/unders again) without too many issues.
Should I redo SSB1 and get the muscular endurance at the new and more reasonable FTP whatever it comes out at or go straight into SSB2 - I’m slightly concerned about going from sets at 88-94% of 267 up to 95-100% of (say) 285-290 watts may be too big a jump. If anyone has experienced something similar in the past I’d really value any advice/sharing experiences.