Recovering from COVID 19

I was recently unfortunate enough to contract and test positive for COVID19. I was in complete isolation at home for 3 weeks with no access to my trainer. I am now clear of the virus but after nearly 3 weeks i’m still struggling with any degree of exertion beyond a steady brisk walk. With lack of exercise over a prolonged period and fair amount of comfort/over eating i have managed to gain about 9lbs. My question is - are there any workouts that will allow me to limit overall exertion but still help me wrestle back control of my weight - obviously with a modified diet!
Love the Podcast!


Sorry to hear this but glad to see your are on your way back and recovering.

I would start with something like Taku so that you don’t over do anything out of the gate. See how your body responds to that and maybe do nothing but that type of workout (30-60 minutes, easy) for a week and then build as you get your strength back.

Best of luck!

Bummer. Good luck with the recovery.

Something like Dans, Taku or Free Ride nice and easy would be good places to start. Maybe add in Lazy Mountain as you ride longer.

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From friends who have recovered I would be very careful and keep your doctors in the conversation. One friend in particular had a very up and down recovery, nearly being rehospitalised a few times.


You should get cleared by your doctor, which should at least involve and EKG and blood test, and possibly and echocardiogram, depending how seriously you were ill and if any of that testing was done during your illness. The American College of Cardiology Sports & Exercise Council has published a guideline (albeit based on expert opinion, since there are no studies as of yet)


Thank you! I’ll take a look.

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Great thank you. Someone else recommended Taku - sounds like something i should try…

Agreed! Just when i think i’m over it - it comes back to haunt me. Thanks for the cautionary advice.

Good advice - thank you. I was planning on doing this before i tried to do any real workouts but might prioritise. Will definitely read the link you included!

I also contracted the virus, but my case seems to be much milder than others I’ve heard about. I spent 14 days in quarantine and then another 10 days of recovery before I felt like having the energy to do anything. I’ve had a couple of outdoor rides now and went back and updated my training plan. All of this years races have canceled for the year so I had the TrainerRoad program update those changes. My question is how long does it take to get back to my previous level. I did an FTP ramp test this morning and have dropped 25 watts from my last test 2 months ago. I’m on the Olympic triathlon mid volume plan with the idea of a possible race at the end of October. I would appreciate any information from Covid patients or those in the know! Thanks again for a great forum.

10 days after positive covid 19 test. Had fever for a day and then 3-4 days common cold symptoms like sore throat, sneezing and etc. No coughing (so far). Still no smell but taste comes back. Will be in quarantine for 4 more days and then I need to figure out how to restart.

Reading some research on the topic there’s no conclusive data but the most important is to ensure heart is not affected or has recovered (covid causes heart inflammation in ~70%). Thus first thing for me will be EKG/ECG and some general blood test. Until I rule out there’s no active inflammation I will keep it only z1 or less just to keep the body moving and no load at all.
After that - back with general build (z2 mostly training) + strength/weights. I think this approach just makes sense since there’s no races, and wintertime where I am so there’s no point of rushing it back and risking long terms complications.

Would love to hear what others do/feel after getting back to training.

Your symptoms sound very similar to mine. I felt fine tbh after about 8 days.

Based on advice, I had an ECG, full blood count plus troponin and d-dimers. All came back absolutely normal, save slight wbc abnormalities consistent with recent viral infection.

The doctor said I was fine to go back to training when I felt up to it but ‘don’t be a hero’, in his phrase, and if something felt off, ease off and come back to see him.

My first ride was a steady z2 on the trainer and it felt like a bit of a slog. But after 2-3 more of those I was back to normal. 4 weeks on and my FTP is back to where it was pre-covid.

So be cautious, get the tests done, and be sensible, but there’s no reason this should necessarily haunt you for months. :+1: :crossed_fingers:

Nb - I am only just getting back taste and smell.