Recovery Plan sanity check?

Guys can I get a sanity check on my recovery planning here. My crash was about 2 months ago. I have been following all the medical and PT advice to the letter. I made a proper mess of the right shoulder so we are only getting back to about 60% effectiveness on that thing. I am cleared to ride the trainer with it, if it is pain free. There is no way I am up to an FTP test of any stripe at the moment. I plan on just pootling about for the next two weeks using my HR as a guide (staying at my guesstimated LT1, based on the Garmin respiration data I have and Ye Olde Talking Test!). Then I was going to do Trad base 1 and 2. HV seems to be doable given my current lock down situation, so I was going to head that way. If that goes good I will reassess and plan on from there…

Coming from a life long cycling addiction but about 3 years of TR SSB(MV+ Z2)/B/S which I was getting out of love with the last 18 months.

Any disses on this?

Sorry to hear about your crash and hope you have a speedy recovery.

Sounds like a good plan to me and I think trying Traditional Base will be a good experiment for you, especially since you have the time. Good luck!

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Before committing to HV, do some rides to assess whether your shoulder will let you be in the saddle for those longer rides. You don’t want to be sitting lopsided to compensate for your shoulder and then unintentionally buggering up something else.


I’m glad you have a plan! And also, how did I not know about that thread? Cheers!

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