It seems to suggest an Endurance ride at either the level “Recovery” or “Achievable” it is not suggesting a “stretch” or even “productive” level endurance ride.
Early days but thats been my experience so far.
I don’t think it going to suggest a 3 - 4 hour endurance ride unless that falls in the “Achievable” level range or lower for the individual.
I think you’d probably have to be at an endurance PL of 10 and even then I would be suprised if a 3- 4 hour ride was suggested.
I know the name is kind of set but my intial reaction was, I’ve been shown a red card by TR
Aware I’ve been pushing it but this is a real nice nudge to listen. This is helping to both understand the impact and plan around long distance commuting with a LV plan (with additional endurance rides).
Along with a rest day today, it has influenced my ordering for the weekend, short endurance ride first, then the harder ride (being mindful of what comes the week after too).
This is far more useful than whatever outdoor PL level contributions might end up being.
First of all, apologies for not reading the entire thread. I have read, though, a number of the initial posts and reached up to the point where it was suggested a name change for the function (Red Light Yellow Light) since there is actually no “Green Light”.
I would suggest to keep the name the same and add a green color on the day that TR says it’s OK to train.
For example:
Day 1
Long/demanding ride (e.g. a 100km outdoors hilly ride)
Day 2
“Red Light”
Day 3
“Yellow Light” (you can train - lightly - if you want to)
Day 4
“Green Light” (you can resume normal training)
Yep. It certainly doesn’t like me doing 3/4 hour outside rides particularly on consecutive days. Mmmmm maybe that’s the reason I always feel tired and my legs always ache.
The battery died on my commuter pedals so it’s using HR only to analyse those for tss. So today’s commute home says 93 TSS over 93 minutes moving time. Iirc it’s more likely 60-70 off power.
I had a Yellow Card today, tried to push through it for a Sweet Spot workout…should have paid attention to the Yelllow Card, haha!
@ZackeryWeimer - sorry if this information is already available in the thread, but is there a plan to RLGL to be more predictive? In other words, will it show a prediction of a Yellow or Red card for the day following a planned workout? I think that would be helpful in getting me stop adding in workouts that are comprising what I had planned. Thanks!!
Nate Pearson has said that they plan to make RLGL look forward (predictive) at some point in the future. That it isn’t predictive right now is the best evidence that RLGL is not entirely TSS based. If it was, predictive RLGL would be super-easy to add to the current RLGL and we’d have it already.
On the recent Podcast @Nate_Pearson mentioned there was a slider to indicate how aggressive you wanted to be with your training program in early access. I checked and it wasn’t there for me but maybe it’s a limited release or I’m looking in the wrong location.
My N=1 immediate feedback on RL/GL: Black Magic Flickery.
Full story:
I was doing my threshold intervals today and watching a podcast episode where Nate announced that RL/GL is now in public EA. I turned it on in the middle of the workout and looked at my calendar afterward.
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday - were all yellow days, but I did Tempo Monday, VO2max Tuesday, and Endurance/Recovery Wednesday. Well, I didn’t know those days were yellow back then, right?
Thursday (yesterday) was a red day. I did feel exhausted and decided to take a rest.
Friday (today) was a red day again. And I sure felt it that way again! Tapped the leftmost “smiley face” when asked “How motivated do you feel to suffer today?”.
What concerns me, though, is that TR gives me a full week of yellow/red days without even taking into account all the skiing weekends (and I don’t take that thing lightly). Hence wondering how deep down that rabbit hole I actually am by now… But nonetheless, great feature!
Mine just has! Have they just added this enhancement in the past couple of days? I just deleted today’s (recovery week) easy 1.5 hour endurance ride as I’m about to head outside to do some unstructured MTB instead. On doing that, it has generated a bunch of adaptations for my upcoming Build phase (which starts week after next, as I’m off to do a week-long training camp in Spain from Monday).
When I preview the adaptations, not only do I have prescribed workout changes to my Build phase, but it has also highlighted a red day on 19th March and a yellow day on 20th March. So RLGL is looking forward by over 3 weeks!
The interesting thing is that it hasn’t added any red or yellow days after my 7 day training camp in Spain. Perhaps because I’ve planned 2 solid rest days after it before getting back to training, along with a couple of easier days during the 7 day camp? If so, it seems RLGL thinks I’ve planned my post-camp recovery well, thinks I can handle a couple of weeks of Build training, but then I need to be careful in the 3rd Build week. I think that’s great if it indeed is now looking forward! I’m already planning to tweak that 3rd week anyway as I now have a work trip, so I will most likely do what RLGL tells me.
I’ve not yet accepted the adaptations so I’m off out on my MTB now and will see if it changes at all when I come back and upload that ride.
It’s not related to RLGL and is not adapting because of your fatigue or what you have planned in the future. Rather, when you remove/delete workouts Plan Builder reassesses future works based on you removing a workout and your PLs.