Red Light Green Light is Available in Early Access! 🎉 🎉 🎉🎉 🎉 🎉🎉 🎉

Yes, I know that’s how adaptive training and plan builder work, but surely it must be RLGL involved too or there would not be future red/yellow days many weeks in the future? Otherwise, why has it added a red day on 19th March and a yellow day on 20th March? That’s over 3 weeks away and I have no red or yellow days between now and then. If RLGL is based solely on recent fatigue, how can it be predicting a red day in over 3 weeks from now when it doesn’t know what my fatigue will be between now and then? It must be looking at the workload I have planned between now and 19th March.

Unless it’s a RLGL bug?

Screenshot those weeks from your calendar or make your account public. I don’t see that on my calendar or heard that from anyone.


Same happened to me. Also march 19. I think it is a (weird!) bug. Disappeared when I went back to my calendar - only briefly visible in the adaptions window.

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What sort of biometric information. HRV, Subjective Scores, Morning Resting Heart Rate?

do they have access to HRV or resting HR? If garmin shares that information to them it would be useful for sure.

Right now, RLGL is complimentary with Garmin recovery time, though it feels garmin recovery time has more information to work with.

Sure. Since you clearly don’t believe me, here’s your evidence . . . Believe me now? And the other person who has just seen the same thing happen?


It’s not about belief, was curious what was proceeding it and causing it to project RLGL in advance. It’s either a yet to be released feature and/or a software bug. Either way it’s interesting and I’d send that pic to TR support.


@Nate_Pearson replied a few hundred posts back saying no, at least not yet

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That confuses me and others. Sometimes TR messaging seems to indicate RLGL is an overreach (1~7 day training stress) indicator. Sometimes TR messaging seems to indicate RLGL is an overtraining (7-42 day training stress) indicator. Which is it?

I asked about this up thread and Zach indicated that it is more of an indicator for overreach. And that’s what it seems to be. I understand it’s looking at longer term to judge what you can handle. But what does a yellow or red actually indicate: danger of overreach (just need to ease up for 1-3 days) or danger of overtraining (needing to greatly reduce and/or stop training)?

I’m pretty sure it’s (at least primarily) an overreach indicator, which is most definitely not “long term” and it’s not overtraining (though people often misuse that term to mean overreach). Obviously the way that someone becomes overtrained is by continuously overreaching. But that would mean they need multiple red days in a row, occurring frequently over a long period.

You could prevent a lot of confusion by clearing this up and being consistent in the documentation and TR comments in this thread.


I really needed this podcast today!
I’ve just set up a masters low volume training plan with red light/green light detection enabled. I accepted my new lower FTP, with the knowledge that it’s a better place to start again.
I feel like it’s a pathway back after (and between) medical interventions.
Thanks for all you do, Trainer Rd Crew :heart:


Seems pretty straight forward that if you have a single red day in a week (for example), and you ignore that red day and train anyway, that would be overreach. Also, the training that resulted in the red day was overreach also. However, if you have a red day every week (or maybe even two) that you persist in ignoring and train through week after week, you are knocking on the door of over training, and you may just FAFO.

For me, a substantial endurance ride today triggered a yellow for tomorrow. I’m going ignore that yellow and do 200 TSS tomorrow. I’m not the slightest bit confused as to whether I will be “overreaching” or “overtraining.” A look at my calendar tells me I will be overreaching. And my training history tells me that such a singular overreach will cause me no problems at all. RLGL isn’t an oracle. You still have to be your own coach.


If overreach is no problem at all then it’s not overreach, by definition.


Have you had a good experience using the whoop? I find it incredibly inaccurate.

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You’re right, I should have been more precise. I edited that line of my post.

Yes, it’s great. You do of course have to listen to how you feel and now just what an app tells you but I have found it incredibly insightful. I still wear a Garmin HRM chest strap for workouts so I don’t use the whoop for training, but more for sleep and recovery. I wear it 24x7 but don’t compare its HR data with Garmin for workouts. I know it won’t be as accurate as the Garmin since optical HR never is but it’s trends that are important with Whoop, not a point in time.

I was able to figure out what impacted my sleep most (and some of it was surprising) and I now get far more and far better quality sleep than ever before. Just having the data really focuses me on doing the right things for recovery. I’ve also found it quite good and spotting trends or illness. I’ve only been ill twice in the past three years and it spotted both happening before I had symptoms, with high RHR, low HRV and high respiratory rate.

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Pretty sure it’s a thing but haven’t seen confirmation (long thread mind you).

Today is a yellow day with nothing scheduled but it’s also insanely grim in my part of the world and I’ve done the housework so thought I’d fit a spin in. Train Now hasn’t recommended any workouts when searching with it.

Makes sense really since it thinks I had a good session yesterday (which it was).

Edit: just opened it on the Windows app and it’s got a recommended workout so who knows which is correct!

I thought I’d share and think through the last three months.

December was my easiest month, had finished a run training block. Five hours cycling in the first week and five in the fourth.

Week 52 5hrs bike, 1hr run. 4 amber days, 0 red.
Week 1 9hrs bike, 0.5hr run, 3hr swim. 2 amber, 4 red. (Start HV Gen Base)
Week 2 9.5hrs bike, 1hr run, 2hr swim. 2 amber, 3 red.
Week 3 5hrs bike, 1hr run. 2 amber
Week 4 5.5 bike, 1hr run, 1hr swim. 2 amber 1 red.(recovery week)
Week 5 6.5yrs bike,. 2 amber, 1 red. (Start HV SusPB)
Week 6 5.5yrs bike, 1hr run, 1hr swim, 0.5hr lift. 1 amber 1 red.
Week 7 6.5hrs bike, 1.75hrs run, 3hrs swim. 6 amber, 1 red.
Week 8 5.5hrs bike, 1.5hr run, 1hr swim. 2 amber, 1 red (recovery week)

Not all my swims are recorded in TR until Nate sorts that ;). I guess this will look even worse when they are…

Hmm…maybe I ramped up too quickly…:sweat_smile:

Annual context from Garmin Connect

My focus is on bike and the second block of susPB at the moment, so I guess I need to tune down run and swim intensity and hold off ramping up their volume for a month.

Bike, I have power on my commutes again so this will become more accurate as I think hrTSS significantly overestimates. I don’t really like the 90min workouts in HV, so I might switch them to 60 min alternates to increase compliance and reduce load. Add some recovery rides.


I don’t know if RLGL is supposed to this yet but in the adaptations window its highlighting future dates as Amber.

Accept the adaptations and things are green (white) again.


I wouldn’t make to much of the info you are getting from your watch and ring. They are good for a basic idea of your HRV etc… but they are incredibly inaccurate and can be misleading. Have you ever used one of those devices while simultaneously wearing a chest strap with another device and comparing the information you’re getting from the two?

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@Nate_Pearson - see this from yesterday which shows today as Red, but the workout as “Achievable”. So what is the recommendation? Do the “Achievable” workout? If not, shouldn’t the workout “rating” be changed? I realize work “rating” and RLGL are separate, but in this case they seem to be saying contradictory things

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The red is suggesting you take the day off. But if you ignore the red, it is still an achievable workout per your PLs.