Red Light Green Light is Available in Early Access! 🎉 🎉 🎉🎉 🎉 🎉🎉 🎉

It would be nice to be able to manually input a workout by specifying duration, estimated IF, and then TSS auto-calculates. You can do this in TrainingPeaks. I’ve searched to see if it’s possible in TR and I don’t see that it is. This would solve the commuting without power issue.


Iirc if you run a HR strap TrainerRoad will estimate the toss.

You can estimate TSS for a ride on RPE. I think once it has that (estimated TSS), it’ll be factored in.

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Turned it on, every day amber.

I assume that’s a bad thing.

No reds or greens.

“Red Light Green Light uses more than just TSB to determine your fatigue”

Not sure how my bank is contacted, but interesting that we’re including financial stress now :wink:


@Nate_Pearson @ming

My initial feedback is this looks great and very powerful and I’m looking forward to seeing how this evolves.

I’ve looked over my calendar and it looks fairly well balanced for yellow days with very few red days going back several years. Overall it seems like there are fewer red/yellow days than I expected (compared to how I feel) which is probably related to a couple of areas which I have some queries on.

Strength training
I’ve scanned over the trainer road forum posts on this previously and the arguments for/against recording a TSS for strength training. I’m currently not recording a TSS with strength training

Is there a recommended way to input this to work with rlgl? For example last week I did two days of strength workouts which definitely added fatigue but I believe will be treated as rest days?

Life / Sleep / stress
I’ve noted there are a few comments and replies on this already in particular that sleep doesn’t effect RLGL. I was wondering if the workout scoring or motivation scoring would effect it though? For example if my RPE is higher due to these factors I might rate a workout that is usually Moderate as Hard - would/could this effect RLGL?



Hi guys - I may have missed the idea here… but is RLGL supposed to tell you if TODAY is a good day to train? Or is it just tracking what is done and then will work with AT?

As far as I remember the TR production app has far less updates (or have there been any changes to that?). So it could be you’re using the TR beta app and might switch to the official TR production app?


No yellow or red means good to go.

They don’t show the good days in green.

It does show if the current day is yellow or red. If there is no color for today, that’s your implied green light.


This is a wild thing to be worked up about. Don’t even try to use Zwift after leaving TR :joy:


I dont think its necessarily bad thing. The day after a hard session or a long ride shown in Amber just means think about doing a lighter training session. If it was Red = think about a day off to recover. If its White (which is Green) you are free to do what you want training wise, if a hard session is scheduled Go for it :+1:

If it in the past its only an indication that you might have been better to approach things like above.


I look at yellow days after hard training sessions as a good thing. It means that you’re pushing yourself but not over doing it. Hopefully they can clarify some Of these things about red light green light.
I have yellow days after every hard day and long endurance ride days.


Well no reds is a good thing at least.

I typically get 2 - 3 yellows per week before my lighter days, no reds since May last year a 5.5 hour coffee ride and the week after I TT’d the course to do it about an hour quicker lol.

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brilliant thank you!

And I think that is a mistake by TR. For one, there is a question about how far this sees out, since all future weeks look the same as the current week if/when there are no R/Y days at hand. We’ve seen a few people ask for the predictive aspect of RLGL which makes total sense to me and would be more clear if/when there was an actual “Green” indicator on any/all days that RLGL has actually considered.

In parity with the Red Cross image & Yellow Yield image symbol, I think there should be a clear Green symbol like a :white_check_mark: or some other positive / affirmative indicator. All that for practical use not to mention my persistent OCD complaint that Red Light Green Light has no actual “Green Light” in use :stuck_out_tongue:

Along with the above suggestion, perhaps the header of the green days could be shaded for quick sighting too, while leaving the main box white like normal. Just a matter of instant recognition without ambiguity.

  • image

ETA: The irony that this choice has to be addressed in the FAQ (due to the lack of a color in the namesake of the tool) seems like a clear reason to “fix” this problem at the source (add green to the calendar).


@Nate_Pearson I think this is an error in the FAQ page. If not, then there needs to be a longer explanation of how RLGL means there’s no need to test FTP.



Anyone else curious to know why green days aren’t shaded green (when yellow and red days are shaded in their respective colours)?


Uh, yup… ^^^ :wink:

Along with my first mention of the green omission two weeks ago.


A few things to consider adding to the FAQ:

First of all you do mention that there is no green color coding, but that should be made more prominent in the description of the feature. People don’t read all the Q&As at the bottom of the FAQ page.

Q: I trained on a yellow or red day, yet the following day was green (not yellow or red). Why?

Q: I haven’t been training consistently recently or I had a large increase in training stress. Why is RLGL giving me red days although I feel fine?

Q: RLGL isn’t showing yellow or red but I feel like I need rest. Does that mean RLGL doesn’t work? Should I rest?

Note that I (think) I know these answers but they would help others


I think you mean “less than”.

Today is a yellow day which has an achievable Endurance workout.

I’ve already swum an hour with sprints but this isn’t taken into account.

I’m guessing reduce this endurance TR to a recovery workout?

Tomorrow I was going to stack two 90min low PL workouts and that’s showing “green”. It’s my only free day this week so far, and I think I’m fit for it.