Red Light Green Light: Request for "burned out" athletes!

Coach knows best

“Should I stay or should I go” :sweat_smile: perhaps CLASH Monitor


Maybe Burnout Monitor?

I wonder if RLGL is running in the background of my account. Yesterday was a rest day and trainnow recommended endurance and today it’s also recommending endurance.
That’s never happened before, well I’ve only noticed it will recommend me endurance after a hard day but I’ve never seen it recommended on consecutive days.

Check your web calendar if you haven’t already. If they’ve switched it on in your account (assuming you filled out the form), I would expect you’ll see the new UI bits on the web calendar…

That said, I’ve seen endurance WO’s pop up in train now 1 and even 2 days after a hard session (I’ve been seeing this for a while now when I’ve looked in TN in the past). I suspect it has to do with the intensity of said workout AND perhaps how you rated it in the post workout survey (rated easy/moderate is 1 day after… hard/very hard is 2 days after??? This is speculation, of course!).

Nothing on the web for me. I didn’t have a hard ride my last ride but it was a long endurance day.
It’s definitely all speculation at this point.

I’m very excited for this and would love to be a beta tester. I’ve been flirting with xert simply for the fact that it analyzes outdoor rides. Part of riding a bike for me is getting outdoors and exploring. As much as I want to improve my race performances and ride faster, being locked to a trainer to have my results analyzed is probably the reason I’ve never made huge gains with TR. Gains… but nothing huge.


I think the question is When!


I think you want to avoid anything that implies burnout. With that name you create an association between TR and getting burnt out, which is the opposite of what they’re trying to do. The youtube comments brain critique is 'oh, TR was burning so many people out they had to make a tool that tells you when you’re getting smoked so you stop doing their plans"

You gotta highlight the readiness aspect, not the fatigue.


Check engine light


I actually really like that.

This is super interesting… I am curious about the training leading up to the tour so that no red days were triggered? Did they have any red days (or series of days) during hard training blocks?

Just took 2 days off completely and I’m still not feeling well recovered. Took a look at my recent training history and noticed that I’ve done 11 weeks in a row with average TSS of 390 (I tried a week of just Endurance as a sort of recovery week, but ended up just doing more volume). Probably need a few more days off!

@Nate_Pearson - would RL/GL have caught this and saved me from myself?

I filled out the form you provided, @Nate (TR username: yajs).

Currently, I’m in week two of General Base 3 (mid-volume). Last week, I did a 2-hour and 30-minute Zwift group ride covering 100 kilometers on Saturday. On Friday, I did a productive 1-hour and 30-minute over-under workout. However, I felt quite fatigued on Sunday, and today, I’m still experiencing fatigue. Based on my instinct, I believe today would be a “yellow day.” I feel like I could handle an hour-long ride at the lower end of zone 2 or a recovery ride, but I don’t feel fresh enough to do VO2 intervals.

In addition, I experienced burnout in 2020, 2021, and 2022. I reached a point where I lost interest in cycling because I was pushing myself too hard during long rides and even structured TrainerRoad workouts. This burnout typically occurred in late fall when I started a new training block to improve my fitness after the summer season. However, instead of improvement, I experienced burnout and had to hit the reset button. This involved taking a 2-week break before returning to structured training.

Is this feature “just” the usual
“acute_training_load - cronic_training_load = form”;
IF form < xyz THEN give_red_dot

Or do I do it unjustice?

  • Yes… unlikely that simple IMO.

Considering how long ago they announced it and the fact that it’s just now getting to an Early Access stage, I can’t imagine they’d delay for any reason other than they are taking a different path than that single equation.

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I linked the moment in the latest video where Nate talked about it (way up this thread). A few highlights, (check the vid for correctness).

  1. 8 dimensions
  2. not all tss is the same. (I take this to mean, “< threshold” and “> threshold” have a modicum of independence in the calculation, something like a 3 zone model). But again, if you want it from the mustache, check the vid.

Nate said it wasn’t that in the podcast.


Got it. Thanks all!


TrainerRoad OverLoad?

Or instead of Heartbreaker , how about HeartRater?