I’m currently in week 4 of SSBMV1. It’s mostly been going well, and I’ve seen an improvement in both my physical and mental stamina. Over-unders are definitely the hardest workouts for me, but it appears I’m in good company there. Last Saturday, I did McAdie, which I was terrified of going into it but it ended up being okay for the most part. I managed to get through all four intervals with only one short backpedal in the last interval. This morning, I did Palisade, which I figured would be similar because the length of the intervals were shorter than McAdie, but with the added challenge of the ‘overs’ being 2 minutes instead of 1. I noticed in the workout text for Palisade that Coach Chad advised dialing down the intensity of the first interval by 5-10% if the legs weren’t fully warmed up yet. But I felt pretty good going into the first interval so I kept it at 100%. The first three intervals were good, but I started flagging in the fourth interval, did a couple of backpedals and held on for dear life. I reduced the fifth and last interval to 98% and got through it with another short backpedal after the second ‘over’. So after that long preamble, my question is, should I have reduced the intensity of the first interval? Or was did I make the right call in keeping it at 100% for the first part and only reducing once the fatigue really started to take hold?
Thanks for any advice.