Hi guys, love the TR App (On MacBook Pro), but I have a problem this week.
I do a workout on Monday at 7:30am, I finish it and it automaticly upload to Strava.
My Problem is that the workout is uploaded on Strata but appears to be on Sunday (the day before) on my training log. (then competing with my Sunday outside ride…)
I tried to Unlink Strava/TR and ZWIFT/TR (have the same problem with Zwift) and re-link them and re-upload the fit files/re-sync the rides with no success, they appear on the app at the right date but sync on strava at the wrong date.
I check I’m on the correct time zone on my MacBook and iPhone, everything appears to be good.
Have you tried uploading the file to another piece of software to see what the date / time shows there? By doing that it would help narrow down what software is at fault.
Worse case scenario use Fit File Tools to change the date of the file and then upload it to Strava again.
Thanks for your reply Dave, what piece of software would you suggest I try to re-upload my files on? I only have Strava TR/ZWIFT. I tried to re-upload the .fit file from TR to Strava and Zwift file to Strava, same result with the same error, what I don’t understand is why the date and the timestamp is not the same in the first place.
Also, when i change the date on the Fit File Tools and then re-upload to Strava, I loose most of the valuable information on the file.
I’ll probably end up doing this until I resolve my problem, I doublechecked the time-zone both on my phone and MacBook…